Crime writer


Thank you Crimefest!

For those who know me well, I'll be forgiven for posting this late. I was called away from Crimefest early due to a family emergency, but I couldn't let such a wonderful festival go by without congratulating the organisers. Well done everyone! This year was even better than 2012.

Last year, I shared my journey to publication with delegates in a 'Spotlight' session. This year I was on a panel, The North/South Divide: come and 'ave a go if you think you're 'ard enough. Thanks to fellow panelists, Alison Bruce, Adam Creed, Caro Ramsay and moderator Chris Simmons for making that so enjoyable. There was no punch up in the end, just a lot of fun talking crime fact and fiction.

There were many wonderful panels at Crimefest this year but the one that stands out for me was Major Cities, Major Crimes: Pierre Lemaitre, his interpreter Frank Wynne, Kjell Ola Dahl, Barbara Nadel, David Jackson and participating moderator, William Ryan, who did a splendid job of keeping them all in check. No easy task, I can tell you! 

Incidentally, Frank Wynne gets the gold rosette for the funniest 'translator' comment: You can't call someone a muppet in America despite the fact they invented it. Just brilliant!

The highlight of my weekend was a night out, just a short stroll up the hill from the event hotel, at Jamie's Italian. Oops! I was led astray by fellow Pan Macmillan authors, Ann Cleeves and David Jackson. Honest guv ... it wasn't me wot ordered the last bottle. Hic!

Bristol is a wonderful city and Crimefest was like a big friendly party, a place to catch up with writer friends and meet new ones. If there is one word that sums this festival up it's: inclusive. 

Sadly, for me Crimefest was cut short, but as I left Bristol messages flooded in to my Twitter feed as people found out why I'd gone. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for those. They made my journey home a bit more bearable. Roll on Crimefest 2014!     

Mari Hannah